Differences between the full and classroom versions of MacClade 4
There are a few features by which the full and classroom versions
of MacClade differ. They are:
Features in the full version that are not present in the
classroom version
- Ability to set editing restrictions on a file that are applied
to the classroom version. In particular, you can specify those
elements of the file that people using the classroom version
cannot edit. You can indicate that the classroom version cannot
edit the matrix, but can change the assumptions; or not change
the assumptions, but can change the trees, and so on.
- The data editor has the option to flash sequences that are
reverse complements to a selected block, using rRNA pairing
rules (i.e., A or G are considered complementary to T/U). It
allows up to a specified number of mismatches.
- The ability to find partial coding triplets (e.g., "A-G").
- Sequences can be automatically shifted through the reading
frame to minimize the number of stop codons.
- The ability to realign nucleotide sequences to match an amino
acid alignment.
- The "Shift Other to Match Selected" feature.
Features in the classroom version that are not present in the
full version
- Sensitivity to the editing restrictions placed on a file by
the full version (see description above).
Copyright ©
2011 by David R. Maddison and Wayne P. Maddison.
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